this is my third attempt?! sorta at a webpage!
very simple page. so far?
wowiee! italics bold
some other stuff
line break
holy guacamole
- learning html
- cuz i was using ai
- but i wasn't really learning anything
- and i was feeling a lil bad with myself
- and i have some newfound ambitions one could say..
numbered lists???
- this is number one
- idk
- whatcha readign this for. idiot
- sorry for calling you an idiot that was mean.
- very rudimentary website.. one could say..
stupid table test thingy
row 1, cell 1 |
row 1, cell 2 |
row 1, cell 3 |
row 2, cell 1 |
row 2, cell 2 |
row 2, cell 3 |
i think |
you |
get it |
i used the "htmldog" tutorial to learn this Shit. Swag